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Zero Yet 100 - Brightening Face Wash Powder (Sensitive Skin) / 光亮潔面粉 (敏感肌) - 40g

Zero Yet 100 - Brightening Face Wash Powder (Sensitive Skin) / 光亮潔面粉 (敏感肌) - 40g

Zero Yet 100 - Brightening Face Wash Powder (Sensitive Skin)  - 40g


The Brightening Face Wash Powder features twelve powerful all-natural ingredients that not only makes it perfect for sensitive skin but also allows your skin to glow from within. The formula gently buffs away dead skin cells, giving way for the purifying and hydrating ingredients to deeply cleanse and nourish your skin. 


The face wash powder is formulated with a mix of clay and flower extracts which makes for the most divine sensory experience. When used often, the wash gives way to clear, healthier skin.


Best for: Normal to Sensitive Skin



  • French rose clay, seaweed powder and oat kernel powder that work as a trio to gently cleanse the skin, remove excess dirt and sebum, and slough off dead skin cells;
  • calendula and rose petal powder which boost collagen and treat problem skin;
  • anti-inflammatory turmeric extract, licorice powder and sea buckthorn oil which prevent free-radical damage and soothes skin;
  • gently exfoliating seaweed powder which cleanses and purifies the skin;
  • and geranium and lavender oil which treat acne by regulating sebum production, reducing scarring, and healing open wounds.



Pour a dime-sized amount into your palm and add enough water to make a paste. Gently massage it into your skin and rinse off with cold water to tighten your pores. 

For best results, follow up it with ZeroYet100’s Nourishing Facial Toner Mist and ZeroYet100’s Day Moisturizing Cream. Use daily.


Insider Tip: You can use this as a mask, too! Instead of water, use ZeroYet100’s Nourishing Facial Toner Mist, honey, yogurt or coconut milk to make a paste. Leave on for 3-5 minutes and rinse off.


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Zero Yet 100 - 光亮潔面粉 (敏感肌) - 40gm


最佳適用人群: 正常至敏感皮膚人群



  • 法國玫瑰黏土、海藻粉 和 燕麥仁粉 三合一,可以溫和清潔皮膚,去除多餘的污垢和皮脂,並去除死皮細胞;
  • 金盞菊 和 玫瑰花瓣粉 促進膠原蛋白和治療問題皮膚;
  • 抗炎症 薑黃提取物、甘草粉 和 沙棘油 防止自由基損傷和舒緩皮膚
  • 溫和去角質 海藻粉 ,清潔和淨化皮膚;
  • 和 天竺葵 和 薰衣草油 ,通過調節皮脂產生、減少疤痕和癒合開放性傷口來治療痤瘡。



倒入一枚硬幣大小的量在您的手掌,並加入足夠的水,形成糊狀。輕輕按摩至肌膚上,用冷水沖洗,收緊毛孔。 後續使用ZeroYet 100的滋潤面膜和ZeroYet 100日用保濕霜效果更佳。每天使用。


內幕貼士:也可以用作面霜!用ZeroYet 100的滋潤面膜、蜂蜜、優酪乳或椰奶來製作糊狀物。等待3-5分鐘,沖洗乾淨。


一旦用完,您可以將其送至ZeroYet 100回收。



*HK Local Delivery Fee 香港本地運費 HK$40*



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