AZZE Jewelry - Seeds of Love Earring (Tiffany Blue) / 愛的種子 耳環(藍松石)
AZZE Jewelry - Seeds of Love Earring (Tiffany Blue)
➰ Alloy : 18K Rose Gold Plated|925 Sterling Silver
♾ Material : Natural Turquoise| 925 Sterling Beads
➿ Design : Turquoise position can change
** Size of Earring : 15mm length
〰️ Delivery : Free Delivery |Shipping in 4 working days
Inspired by the seeds of plants, A Z Z E’s flagship series Seeds of Love is an allegory of genuine affection. Akin to the cultivation of plants, true love may grow and thrive only with care and dedication. However hectic and frenetic daily life may be, we ought to maintain and indeed reinvigorate our bonds with loved ones, little by little and day by day, like a constantly flowing stream that silently nourishes the plant that is love.
⚜️ AE9033RT (18K Rose Gold Plated,Turquoise)
AZZE Jewelry - 愛的種子 耳環(藍松石
【SEEDS OF LOVE 天然松石】純銀包18K金耳環
➰ 金屬: 包18K玫瑰金|925純銀
♾ 物料: 天然松石|925純銀珠
➿ 設計: 松石位置隨客人喜歡|
* * 呎吋:耳環長度15mm
〰️ 運費: 免運費 |4個工作天內寄出
Seeds of love 創意靈感來自植物種子,設計師認為孕育真摯深厚的感情,就像栽種植物一樣,需要悉心呵護及不斷灌溉。
凡購買A Z Z E 首飾, 免費附送獨特設計「優雅精美的禮盒」及 「心意咭」,讓你把心中所思所想盡情向對摯愛表達。
我們深明客戶對摯愛所贈,當然珍若拱璧,所以特別推出珠寶終身免費保養服務。收禮客戶只需掃一掃印在心意咭上的QR Code,即可成為 A Z Z E 的尊貴會員,享有終身免費保養;讓你與心愛之物,共伴一生,閃耀永恆的光芒。
⚜️AE9033RT (18K玫瑰金包純銀,)
*免費送貨 Free Delivery*
#AZZEJewelry #BeFashionable #BeLuxe
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