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Lextia - Love Pluto Stainless Steel Pendant / Love Pluto 精鋼 吊墜

Lextia - Love Pluto Stainless Steel Pendant / Love Pluto 精鋼 吊墜

SKU: X31PR0000

Love Pluto Stainless Steel Pendant (Necklace included)

Love Pluto Pendant depicts the heart-shaped region of Pluto in an outline of the planet with finely polished Stainless Steel frame with a number of clear Swarovski crystals. The planet represents subconscious forces and is associated with transformation and rebirth. Together with its exclusive heart-shaped feature, it also resemble love and longingness of the distant planet of the galaxy. The layered design of the pendant allows wearer decide how to arrange the pendant with the necklace. It adds sophistication and love to any attire.



  • Pendant length: 2.1cm Width: 2.1cm
  •  Necklace: (Adjustable) 40cm to 45cm



Love Pluto 精鋼 吊墜 (連項鏈)

靈感取材自星際銀河,冥王星除了象徵蛻變和重生之外,其表面獨特的心形印記,亦為這顆離地球相距千萬里之遙的星球增添一份浪漫的色彩。Love Pluto 吊墜以經過光滑打磨的精鋼打造而成,以利落線條和奧地利水晶將冥王星的輪廓,以及其獨有的心形印記勾勒出來。吊墜兩層重疊的設計,除了為增強立體外,亦讓配戴者可任意改動頸鏈的穿戴方式。精細設計,為任何打扮都添上動人情意。



  • 吊墜 長2.1厘米 闊2.1厘米
  • 項鏈 (可調較) 40厘米至45厘米



*HK Local Delivery Fee 香港本地運費: HK$30*

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