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April4Design - Idea Football Memo / 創意足球便條紙

April4Design - Idea Football Memo / 創意足球便條紙


April4Design - Idea Football Memo

Have you ever thought of a playable memo pad? After you write on Idea Football Memo, throwing it in the garbage bin is not the only option. You can turn the memo to a paper football and shoot it at the goal with your finger in the mini football court folded by yourself. Are you ready to the challenges?


Award: HKSGDA 2015 Bronze

*Product Size: 95x85x12mm

*50pcs memo included


April4Design - 創意足球便條紙

你有在辦公室工作時感到枯燥嗎? 在學校上課時有感到沉悶嗎? 便條紙是生活中不可或缺的物品, 但你有否想過桌上的文具能成為你解悶的玩意? 足球便條紙能把用後的紙揸成小紙球, 包裝盒能摺成小形足球場, 只需以手指輕輕一彈就能射進龍門中, 有信心挑戰難度更高的射門嗎?


設計意念: 由於我工作時會使用便條紙提醒自己重要事項, 愈用愈多時餘下很多紙球, 加上工作後運動時間減小很多, 所以設計了這款足球便條紙。我認為文具除了方便使用, 外觀美觀外, 也可賦予趣味性。以運動為主題的可用及可玩文具, 可令繃緊的學習及工作中偶爾放鬆,



*HKSGDA 2015 得獎作品

*產品尺寸: 95x85x12mm



*When this item is purchased alone, the delivery fee is to be paid by the customer upon receiving the product(s) sent by courier (SF Express).

*Free Delivery when the customer purchases other April4 Design's products worth HK$200 or above in a single order.


*如只購買此貨品, 順豐速運 SF Express 運費將由顧客直接支付(運費到付).

*如於同一訂單內購買其他 April4 Design 貨品滿HK$200則免收速遞運費.


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