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Civil Link Tea - Fragrant Tangerine Black Tea /  小青柑黑茶

Civil Link Tea - Fragrant Tangerine Black Tea / 小青柑黑茶

Civil Link Tea - Fragrant Tangerine Black Tea



  • Lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar, lower cholesterol
  • helps get over hangover, delays aging


Origin: China


Packing: 10 bags x 3 grams/box



Civil Link Tea -小青柑黑茶


成分: 新會天馬小青柑與湖南安化黑茶拼配


功效: 降三高


口感: 滑口生津,飽滿而不刺激


特點: 小青柑融合了清醇的果香和黑茶醇厚的甘香之味


儲存方法: 遠離高濕度、高溫度、有異味的地方,置於陰涼乾燥、通風的地方最佳


原產地: 中國


包裝: 10包x3克/盒


*Delivery Fee is to be paid by the customer upon receiving the product(s) sent by courier. 產品速遞運費到付.


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