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AZZE Jewelry - Seeds of Hope Necklace (White) / 希望種子 白貝項錬

AZZE Jewelry - Seeds of Hope Necklace (White) / 希望種子 白貝項錬

AZZE Jewelry - Seeds of Hope Necklace (White)



➰ Alloy : 18K Rose Gold Plated|925 Sterling Silver

♾ Material : Natural White Mother of Pearl| 925 Sterling Beads

➿ Design : White Mother of Pearl position can be changed

** Size of Necklace : Pendant Diameter 25mm | Chain length 18 inches

〰️ Delivery : Free Delivery |Shipping in 4 working days


A grain of seed born out of love, Seeds of Hope is not merely a gift, but also a token of support and encouragement. Ups and downs, peaks and troughs, such are inevitable in life, as are times of frustration. With the support of and surrounded by loved ones, however daunting it may seem, adversity will eventually be conquered. Encapsulating the lifelong affection and commitment, Seeds of Hope bring as much to your loved ones, cheering you two on to create a better future together.


In a circle of beads made of pure gold, our designers embed a quartet of beads made of various materials and colors, which represent the four letters in the word “hope”. This thoughtful design concept serves to remind one that, of the many gifts in life, hope – and the will to cling to it – is the most precious.


AZZE Jewelry - 希望種子 白貝項錬

【SEEDS  OF HOPE 天然白貝】純銀包18K金項鏈


➰ 金屬: 包18K玫瑰金|925純銀

♾ 物料: 天然白貝|925純銀珠

➿ 設計: 白貝位置隨客人喜歡|項鏈長度可調節

 * * 呎吋:吊咀直徑25mm | 項鏈最長18吋

〰️ 運費: 免運費 |4個工作天內寄出


Seeds of Hope懷抱希望  真愛相隨


Seeds of Hope這顆希望種子,由愛而生。不僅是一份禮物,也是一份支持,一份鼓勵。人生總有高低起伏,難免會有失意氣餒之時,但只要有摯愛相伴,時刻給予鼓勵和支持,逆境終歸會過去。Seeds of Hope 展現你一生守護的深情,為所愛帶來希望,讓你倆攜手創造更美好的未來。







凡購買A Z Z E 首飾, 免費附送獨特設計「優雅精美的禮盒」及 「心意咭」,讓你把心中所思所想盡情向對摯愛表達。


我們深明客戶對摯愛所贈,當然珍若拱璧,所以特別推出珠寶終身免費保養服務。收禮客戶只需掃一掃印在心意咭上的QR Code,即可成為 A Z Z E 的尊貴會員,享有終身免費保養;讓你與心愛之物,共伴一生,閃耀永恆的光芒。


⚜️AN9041RW (18K玫瑰金包純銀,白貝)


*免費送貨 Free Delivery*


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