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ishodpea 有機純棉 美國品味復刻全綿布 手造布衛生巾 夜用

ishodpea 有機純棉 美國品味復刻全綿布 手造布衛生巾 夜用

ishopdea Washable Cloth Pad – Vintage (Night)


Be good to yourself

Cotton-made pads give you a soft, gentle and comfortable touch, with the adorable cat design spicing up your period days! Get rid of the discomfort and lingering odour. Let’s say no to disposable sanitary napkins and embrace the easy-to-wash and reusable Ishopdea cloth pads.


Be good to the earth

On average, a woman disposes 150kg of plastic sanitary waste in her lifetime. A washable cloth pad can last for 75 washes, approximately 3-5 years for use. By replacing disposable sanitary napkins, handmade cloth pads have led the way to green menstruation. Protect our earth and save your money!


Adorable Cat Design

With pink patterned cloth and cute cat design, the napkin brings you a lovely mood. The surface fabric is made of 85% Japanese cotton and 15% Japanese linen, and the inner fabric is made of 100% organic cotton. Unique cat ear design is randomly distributed.


Two Types of Buttons, Easy to Carry

Two types of buttons on the pad, one for holding the pad position around the underwear, another for folding the pad inward and carry around.


What are the benefits of using organic cotton for sanitary napkins?

Organic cotton is woven from all-natural cotton with zero chemical pollution during the planting process and zero dyeings. The natural colour of the cotton is rather pale as it does not undergo any dyeing treatments. The weaving method makes the fabric soft. Even if it touches the skin, it will not cause sensitivity.


Product Information:

  • Length: 31cm
  • Qty: 1 pc



ishodpea 有機純棉 美國品味復刻全綿布 手造布衛生巾 (夜用)



相對於人造纖維物料的即棄衛生 , 有機棉布衛生巾的材質更為柔軟 , 能為您帶來透氣舒適的感。 加上可愛的貓耳造型設計和型格復古設計 ,在您的經期期間增添一點色彩和趣味。讓我們對即棄衛生巾說不 , 並擁抱易於清洗和可重用的ishopdea 布衛生巾



平均而言 , 女性一生會棄置約 150公斤的塑料衛生巾。一塊可洗的布衛生巾可重複使用 75 , 能使用約 3-5 ,大大減少塑料浪費。布衛生巾可取代一般塑料衛生巾 , 帶動綠色經期運動。保護我們的地球 , 既省錢又環保 !


設計配搭  可愛又型格

日本進口手繪貓花布,以粉色花紋布配上可愛的小貓 ,帶出可愛少女心。面布還有可愛小貓在縫紉衛生巾的圖案。面布料 85% 選用日本純棉布料 , 15%選用日本綿麻 , 內布料選用 100% 有機棉。貓耳款式隨機發放。


兩種鈕扣  方便攜帶

布衛生巾上設兩種鈕扣, 一個是讓布衛生巾扣緊內褲 , 另一個是讓布衛生巾向內疊成一小包 , 便攜帶



有機棉是一種在種植過程中零化學污染、零染色的全天然棉花所織造成型的棉布,因為本身是棉花本色,無任何來染色處理,所以顏色比較單一。 針織布料的織造方法使布料的觸感細膩棉柔,手感舒服透氣。即使接觸皮膚也不會引起敏感。



  • 長度: 31cm
  • 1 塊布衛生巾



*Delivery Fee is to be paid by the customer upon receiving the product(s) sent by courier. 產品速遞運費到付.


#ishopdea #BeWell #BeGreen


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  • Instructions for use 使用說明:

    • Wear the pad with the plain colour fabric facing up and the patterned side facing your underwear. 穿墊時純色布面朝上 ,帶圖案的一面朝向下。
    • Fasten the buttons around your underwear. 扣緊布衛生巾上的鈕扣。
    • Carry used pads by folding inward as shown and stored in a clean, dry environment. Change the pad as frequently as you need to feel comfortable. 根據個人需要定期更換布衛生巾,更換將用過的布衛生巾向內折疊,並存放在清潔乾燥的環境中。
    • Soak in cold water with the spoiled side facing down for a min. 30 minutes. (Avoid hot water to avoid staining) 把髒污的一面朝下浸入冷水中至 少 30 分 鐘 (避免使用熱水)
    • Wash by hand, rubbing the fabric against itself (do not brush), or in the washing machine (max. 40ºC) along with other clothes. Best use natural soap. 用手洗滌 , 輕擦布料或放在洗衣機 (最高 40°C)中;或使用天然肥皂洗滌效果更佳
    • Dry on a clothesline, best under sunlight. Do not put the cloth pads into the clothes dryer. 在晾衣繩上晾乾,不要放入乾衣機中烘乾 ,最好在陽光下晾乾
    • Wash before first use 第一次使用前請先清洗
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