Islandoffer - Japanese Style Classic Wooden Plain Cherry blossoms Tea Tray
Islandoffer - Japanese Style Classic Wooden Plain Cherry blossoms Tea Tray
Weight: 300g; Size: 42*28cm;
High-temperature sterilization
Inexpensive, wooden, exquisite and durable
Cleansing Tips for Wooden Utensils:
- DON'T put wood utensils or cutting boards into the dishwasher. The intense steam and extended time in hot water will make the wood crack.
- DON'T let the utensils sit in water to soak for extended periods of time.
- DO wash the utensils in hot soapy water fairly quickly after use.
- DO pat the utensils dry with a cloth and let air dry.
- DO rub with a slice of lemon and let air dry if any strong flavors have seeped into the wood
- DO apply a mineral oil to the wood every once in a while to prevent the wood from drying out and cracking.
Please note: Wood grain may not look like pictures because each of them comes from natural wood
Islandoffer 島嶼製作 - 日式經典木製長方形櫻花空心圖案茶盤 (櫻桃圖案位置空心)
木種: 賨木
尺寸: ∅30cm長 20cm闊 (全部約略)
- 天然木 – 木嚴選原木製作,每塊木材具有天然紋路色差,以不影響商品使用,部分情況下保留其獨特裂痕、蟲洞。
- 舒適環境 – 避免太陽直射、曝曬,或於過度乾燥環境易造成木材龜裂;避免長時間潮濕陰暗,請放置於通風處使用。
- 清潔保養 – 請勿使用化學洗劑清潔,以絨布沾取些許清水擦拭即可。
- 由於手工測量, 尺寸誤差約為1-2厘米商品圖片僅供參考,一切以實物為準。商品的顏色或會因電腦螢幕設定差異會略有不同,一切以實物為準。
*Delivery Fee is to be paid by the customer upon receiving the product(s) sent by courier. 產品速遞運費到付.
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HK$129.00 一般價格